5th page of the posts archive.

Almost never (really) matters in which order you import stuff in JavaScript. But, like many, I still prefer to follow a convention.

If you are already using Prettier, you can use the plugin sort imports plugin.

A prettier plugin to sort imports in typescript and javascript files by the provided RegEx order.

Ever since I took a look at the implementation of Kill the Newsletter! I have been thinking of recreating it with PHP.

Guerrilla Mail before switching to Go were using an SMTP server implemented in PHP called Guerrilla SMTPd.

The purpose of this daemon is to grab the email, save it to the database and disconnect as quickly as possible.

Maybe this could serve as an inspiration, as the code is quite old, and I'm not even sure if it's running on PHP 8.1. I think a modern take on Guerrilla SMTPd could easily lead to the world of async PHP, Swoole, Fibers, ReactPHP, etc.

The other projects I found looked half-baked or claimed questionable things.

I came across XSLT when I was searching for ways to style RSS feeds with CSS. Now that I put some things into practice, XSLT is even more mind-blowing.

XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) is a language originally designed for transforming XML documents into other XML documents, or other formats such as HTML.

Take a look at the example to see how an XML structure is transformed into another one or HTML.

I thought such things were possible only with PHP, JS, or your go-to programming language.

There are countless articles about the :has pseudo-class lately, and more will come.

We are months or not weeks away from seeing all major browser support it. For me, this is the most exciting thing that happened to CSS in years.

As always, as the Using :has() as a CSS Parent Selector and much more article puts it:

The hardest part of :has will be opening our minds to its possibilities. We’ve become so used to the limits imposed on us by not having a parent selector. Now, we have to break those habits.

For a WordPress (classic) theme using get_template_part generally provides a good level of organization. But for a large, enterprise-level website, I organize my server-side rendered UI elements into what I call "HTML Components". It's somewhat inspired by React.

Components let you split the UI into independent, reusable pieces, and think about each piece in isolation.

Since we prefer OOP for this project, there's an interface for the components:

interface Component
public function render(): string;

A component could be as simple as this one, but typically there's more to it:

class Infobox implements Component
public function render() {
return '<div class="infobox">...</div>';

There's a template renderer to avoid mixin HTML in the PHP class and achieve a better separation of concerns:

interface TemplateRenderer
public function render(string $templateName, array $data = []): string;

Besides passing the data to the template files, components can retrieve icons, derive state from props (React jargon), etc., do what's needed.

Here's a stripped-down but "real" component:

class Component {
use ResourcesDirTemplateFileTrait;
public function __construct(
readonly private Props $props,
readonly private TemplateRenderer $templateRenderer,
readonly private Svg\Loader $svgLoader
) {
public function render(): string
return $this->templateRenderer->render(
TemplateArgs::TITLE => $this->props->title,
TemplateArgs::CONTENT => $this->props->content,
TemplateArgs::DEFAULT_IS_OPEN => json_encode(!$this->props->title),
TemplateArgs::ICON_TOGGLE => $this->props->title
? $this->svgLoader->byName('arrow-caret-down')
: '',

While these components do not contain "too much logic", I strive to provide tests for them.


When testing these components, I'm interested in two things. First, if the components are rendering the output (HTML) I expect. Second, if the data passed to the template files is what it should be.

Testing the output also tests the data indirectly. There's an overlap between the two types of tests, but they can't be exchanged, and they focus on different aspects.

I made the rule to always write tests "for the HTML", but only test the data directly for more "complex" components.

"Snapshot" testing

PHPUnit had the assertEqualXMLStructure method, which made it easy to compare two DOM structures. There are plans to reintroduce it.

Until then, I'm comparing two "HTML" strings. This has its shortcomings. For example, the order of the attributes has to match; spacing can cause problems, etc.

// This fails
'<div class="infobox" id="infobox-alpha"></div>',
$infobox->render() // <div class="infobox-alpha" class="infobox">...</div>

To overcome this, I have a custom assertion method that does some normalization before comparing the strings:

class InfoboxHtmlSnapshotTest extends HtmlSnapshotTestCase
public function testDefaultOutput()
$infobox = new Infobox(...);
file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/snapshots/default.html'),

I'm doing something similar to what Jest calls snapshot testing but the "snapshots", in my case, are created and maintained manually.

Testing the $data with mocking

My initial approach for testing the passed data to the template renderer was mocking it and setting up expectations.

public function testNoIconAndIsOpenWhenNoTitle()
$templateRendererMock = $this->createMock(TemplateRenderer::class);
'title' => '',
'content' => 'In 2009, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) ...',
'initialIsOpen' => 'true',
'iconToggle' => '',
$infobox = new Infobox(

This approach started to be messy when I created components that rendered child components.

In those cases, the render method was called multiple times. Switching and using the withConsecutive turned out to be hard to reason about and follow.

Using a test implementation

The contract of the TemplateRenderer had to be satisfied, so there was no way around returning something else than a string.

But the option to create a test implementation for the template renderer was open. So that's what I did.

$customImplTemplateRenderer = new class implements TemplateRenderer
public function render(string $templateName, array $data = []): string;
return json_encode($data);

This implementation simply returns the data in a JSON encoded string format, which, once decoded, allows for good old array comparison:

$infobox = new Infobox(
'title' => '',
'content' => 'In 2009, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) ...',
'initialIsOpen' => 'true',
'iconToggle' => '',
json_decode($infobox->render(), true)

When nesting HTML Components, it's just a matter of comparing a multidimensional array, and there's no need for writing the boilerplate for creating a mock.

System.css is a CSS library for building interfaces that resemble Apple's System OS which ran from 1984-1991

As mentioned on the page, there's also 98.css, which inspired this project.

I like some elements, especially the scrollbars and title bars. I can imagine a few design details added to this site in the future and taking the overall look into a more retro direction.

Electrosystems (ELS) specializes in importing, developing, and distributing electronic security systems in the B2B sector. They have been selling the most advanced technological products at competitive prices in Greece since 2007.


Since it's a long-standing company, they have a robust, established workflow with an ERP system at its core to manage customers and orders.

ELS has an online shop that is used only for creating preliminary orders without asking for payment. The finalization of orders happens offline.

Since they have various partnership deals, their customers get a customized pricing offer for the products. When customers log in to the shop, they see those prices. (They do now!)


While the previous team of developers was able to set up WooCommerce and the data importing and synchronization, they failed to implement the pricing logic.

The ERP has the option to expose the customer and product data. It does not offer an endpoint to retrieve a product price based on a customer, only the underlyinushg raw rules data that is used for the different discount policies.

The partial and failed pricing policy implementation created more confusion for the customers than helped them.

With customers complaining about seeing different prices than in their final offers, ELS wasted countless hours in ad-hoc verifications and debugging that seemed to go nowhere.

Mistrust and high response time started to characterize the communication with the original developers.



When you open an RSS feed, you usually see the raw, unstyled XML structure and nothing more.

But it doesn't have to be this way. CSS can be used to style the RSS feed.

If the RSS is nicely styled, it might even be "redundant" to provide a "website" version. Think of personal microblogs where mostly only friends follow you.

It's something worth experimenting with.

Upgrade to Pro to keep using private, organization-owned GitHub repositories.

It was bound to happen. We can no longer link private, organization-owned GitHub repositories to sites with Netlify's Starter plan. Here's why.

I'm not unhappy about this change. With the CLI's deploy command, I can still use Netlify for hosting my sites.

I never really liked that the build process was running on Netlify anyway. It's a good reason to move it to a GitHub Action and then add the deployment as an additional step.

See more on the 6th page